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Scientists have found new ways of forest quality precision promotion
来源: | 作者:junyig | 发布时间: 2017-04-19 | 964 次浏览 | 分享到:
On April 20 news: forest quality precision is one of the four major tasks of the current forestry faces. How to improve the forest quality precision? Recently, chief expert yuan-chang lu researchers and experts in Australia, Chinese academy of agricultural sciences, china-australia biological resources sustainability research and development engineering center chairman Dr YangYun put forward a new idea and approach. , they argue, the soil condition is the guarantee dynamism and stability is the key factor of the trees and forest, the forest soil itself is a soil substrate, plant residues, organic matter, microorganism, soil animals, and other components of complex ecosystem, the structure and proportion of its multiple parts has a significant influence on forest growth. Soil environment improved in forest tending management system integrated technology, help to improve the quality of forest soil quickly, improve forest tree growth vigor, thus greatly improve the quality of forest resources.
On April 20 news: forest quality precision is one of the four major tasks of the current forestry faces. How to improve the forest quality precision? Recently, chief expert yuan-chang lu researchers and experts in Australia, Chinese academy of agricultural sciences, china-australia biological resources sustainability research and development engineering center chairman Dr YangYun put forward a new idea and approach. , they argue, the soil condition is the guarantee dynamism and stability is the key factor of the trees and forest, the forest soil itself is a soil substrate, plant residues, organic matter, microorganism, soil animals, and other components of complex ecosystem, the structure and proportion of its multiple parts has a significant influence on forest growth. Soil environment improved in forest tending management system integrated technology, help to improve the quality of forest soil quickly, improve forest tree growth vigor, thus greatly improve the quality of forest resources.
, according to Dr YangYun soil microenvironment system integrated technology is improved in biological resources sustainability research and development engineering center research and development of a new comprehensive technology. In ecologically fragile regions improve forest quality level is a difficult and complex project, bad soil ecological environment restricted the plant survival rate and growth and development. Therefore, improve soil ecological environment is the key to the regional vegetation restoration. Using artificial intervention technology in ecological fragile areas into artificial soil environment improvement system is an effective means. Improved soil ecological environment system is a kind of fragile ecological environment specifically for artificial "ecological intelligence system". This system is mainly made by nutrient substrate as the carrier of microorganism composite flora composition, the functional microbes can quickly decompose organic matter and activate the rhizosphere soil microbial activity, so as to achieve the purpose of improvement of soil ecological environment surrounding the root. The other function of this system is the way of can let the plant through the leaves and root quickly absorb nutrients, and can continuously released when drought and lack of nutrition necessary nutrients and moisture, in order to ensure the plant at the beginning of the planting, fertilization demand, improve the survival rate of plants. In soil degradation, desertification and drought against forest restoration ecological zones, the implantation of this system can make plant under the condition of water stress can release system of moisture and nutrients to normal growth, and as a whole to realize the reconstruction of the forest ecosystem and entered the track of benign cycle.
Yuan-chang lu, the researchers said the system has the advantage of using artificial intervention and its regulation function, make the plant rapid for sewage sludge, improve resistance, and through the implantation of artificial soil ecological environment, gradually release and adjust the corresponding water and nutrients, the plants in the soil, fertilizer and water stress under the environmental conditions of survival and growth. This system can make the plant for quite some time inner ecological fragile areas enjoy a more healthy soil ecological environment. To improve plant survival and growth and development has important significance in the late.
Yuan-chang lu said that the essence of forest management is the realization of the forces of nature and artificial force to produce "1 + 1 > 2" synergy effect. Forest tending management includes three main job content, in popular terms is cut, introduction, and maintenance. The first homework content is by cutting to regulate competition in addition to, or in the forest to identify and eliminate those poor value itself but to advantages trees form interference, will influence the composition of the entire forest comprehensive energy effective play, can be cut in addition to the low value of trees and other means to achieve, can cut in addition to the low value of trees for the forest release the development and improvement of the space, to improve forest quality and vitality to create favorable conditions. The second job content is to introduce a new helps to improve forest and the key factor of the dynamic stability, including for forest management goal to introduce improved ecological status of tree species, as well as the introduction of improved state of forest soil and site conditions of the key components, soil environment improvement system is introduced in this forest tending a content of management. The third job content is to protect the rational operation of the existing forest trees, including to promote natural regeneration as the goal of cutting irrigation, crop, pit, nursing measures, such as a fence in order to better realize the goal of forest management.
Yuan-chang lu said, they put forward the new way of the breakthrough point, in view of the southern China widespread lack of forest soil fertility and soil development mechanism of bottleneck problem, and the second content in forest tending, forest soil microenvironment improved system technology, targeted to improve forest soil fertility and structure formation and the development of the internal capacity, fully improve the soil environment, promote quality improvement and vitality of the forest the goal of ascension.
According to introducing, this new concept and new method will county in yunnan wenshan city inkstone mountain forest tending management experiment demonstration site, and will be in the national forest management model base as soon as possible further experiments and promotion.